So yesterday I focused on the bad things of life. Today I decided to switch that around a bit. So apparently 100% of us hate autocorrect ( If it makes you feel any better the spell check thingy on this underlines that and says it's not a word!) and some people think that stepping on a lego really isn't that painful. Ok, so it's not really that bad, but everybody now has a common enemy so some good has come from it.
Anyway, if you wanted to hear some more positive things then here they are! Nutella, bacon, summer break, and the internet. Well, I know that really didn't do much to lighten up your day, so now I'll try again. A few days ago I was in Arizona and I stopped at a subway for dinner. When I left the subway I went to my car and out of nowhere there's a flash flood that made a big river of mud right there running down a hill and into the road and nearly ruining some cars. I walked over to the random surprise river and what is everyone doing? They all have their phones out. Are they calling their families to make sure they're ok? Nope, everybody is taking a video with their phones. I think it's hilarious how this is everybody's first instinct. I bet some idiot lost their car because they took a video of a mudslide. Facepalm time. So now you know how all those crazy videos go on the internet, people lose their cars taking a video of something dumb.
Also I had this great idea of starting a weekly post called "So you think you can troll" I'm going to find the best trolling ideas on the internet and post them. This is more for my own entertainment, but I think you'll appreciate it. Let the trolling begin!
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